Program Components

The Access Program seeks to help students transition smoothly to UCF by learning about the resources and academic support necessary to succeed.

Access students’ continued enrollment for the Fall 2024 term is contingent upon their successful completion of the Access Program. In order to advance to the fall term, students must:

  1. Complete two college-level courses (six credit hours) with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better- students will be pre-registered for these courses prior to orientation
  2. Participate in ALL Access Program Components listed below (inclusive of the Student Success Conference)

Required Program Components

Access Orientation

All Access Program participants must attend one of the Access UCF Freshman two-day Orientation Program options. Students and parents will attend a special presentation about the Access Program.

Summer Classes

All students will take two summer courses that will count toward general education and elective requirements within their UCF degree programs. *Please note that students cannot select their summer classes; courses are chosen by the advising team based on the students’ test scores, dual enrollment, transfer credits, and intended major.

Access students will be pre-registered for their two Summer B classes prior to arriving to orientation. Students will receive their class schedule at Orientation. All students will be enrolled in SLS 1501 (Strategies for Success in College) and one general education course. Examples of General Education courses include:

  • POS 2041 – American National Government
  • PSY 2012 – General Psychology
  • SYG 2000 – Introduction to Sociology
  • ANT 2000 – General Anthropology
  • ANT 2511 – Human Species
  • PHI 2010 – Introduction to Philosophy
  • MUL 2010 – Enjoyment of Music
  • ENC 1101- English Composition I

Academic & Learning Support:

Each general education course will have an academic support component connected. The academic support component will be indicated on the students summer schedule they will receive at Orientation. Note: Students may be required to participate in additional academic support activities, such as Academic Coaching, during the summer B term; this is contingent upon each student’s progress in their courses. Grades for summer courses will be checked periodically throughout summer. If a student is reported as having a grade of C or lower then additional academic support may be required — students will be notified via email of any additional requirements. Similarly, pending a student’s successful completion of the summer program, a student success plan will be developed with continued support components for the fall and spring semesters.

Academic Advising:

Access Program students are required to meet with their academic advisor during the summer B term to discuss their academic progress, review their fall schedule, and to assist with future academic planning.

One-on-One Peer Mentoring:

Peer Mentors will provide guidance and ongoing feedback to Access Program students to discuss their college goals, academic progress, campus resources, and assist with overall transition to the university. Peer Mentors will also provide support for each section of SLS 1501 and for the Friday Fuel-Up sessions. Each Access student will be required to meet individually with their Peer Mentor for individualized guidance and ongoing feedback to assist with their overall transition to the university.

Friday Fuel-up Sessions:

Throughout the summer Access students will engage in activities designed to compliment the curricular experience and prepare students for success at UCF. All sessions will be held on campus, a calendar of these sessions will be provided at Orientation.

Student Success Conference:

Access Program students that successfully complete the summer term must also attend the 12th Annual Student Success Conference. This conferences is an off-campus experience designed to equip students with knowledge, a network of support, resources, and tools to be successful throughout their UCF journey. Students will experience interactive workshops, dynamic speakers, and will leave with tangible steps they can put into action.